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Living Space of an Art Collector by Gisele Taranto

Brazilian architect Gisele Taranto in collaboration with art curator Mara Fainziliber and lighting designer
Maneco Quinderé produced an interior referred to as Living Space of an Art Collector, as part of Casa Cor, an critical event of national architecture and decoration held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The brief of the project was to create a location where tradition meets modern decoration, in a pleasant manner. Right here is little description from Gisele Taranto: “Ceiling, floor and walls have been kept as initially and received pieces of art and created furniture. The greatest challenge was to show that it is achievable to add contemporaneity to any historical space, giving emphasis to both. Pieces of renowned and new promising artists, national and internationally, have been utilized in the space.” Even even though this enormous, 1000 square foot living space is not something one could very easily recreate, some of the decorating components located here are gorgeous, sensible and inspiring.


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